Magisterský obor SSME akreditovan

V září 2008 byl Ministerstvem školství akreditován magisterský obor SSME na Fakultě informatiky Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Zájem je značný, předměty si mohou již studenti zapisovat. Podívejte se na profil absolventa tohoto oboru.

Profile of graduate of SSME master degree

This discipline connects the informatics profession to a multidisciplinary overview of domains which help to provide an information service as well as to one that is based on the utilization of information technology, namely knowledge intensive services. This has become very important to business practice. Service Science is an emerging scientific discipline.

Graduates of this program will have a solid knowledge of management, marketing and some practical skills in relevant areas of psychology, sociology and law. In addition the course will provide thorough training in those informatics domains which are connected to service provision and service system design, service system construction and operation, and service system evolutionary development.

The SSME major is intended for students who want to extend their specific informatics knowledge from the bachelor level into both a multidisciplinary overview of management skills and the service economy understanding, and gain a deep insight into the informatics fundamentals of service system construction and service systems operation in business.

The course offers training in management, marketing, law, presentation skills, conceptual modeling, project, program, and portfolio management in such a way that the student will have a complete knowledge of service systems and will be able to co-operate in teams, work with customers and work effectively and efficiently in situations of many agents co-creating added value for customers.

Students will be introduced to the shift of the classical product paradigm in economy to the new paradigm, that of service. They gain knowledge and practical skills in service systems' design, construction, operation and evolution.

The emphasis will be on aspects of understanding the service economy and the value co-creation between customer and service provider. For a practical realization of this, students are required to work on real projects which are developed and executed by business partner organizations that are contracted by the Faculty for this purpose. The projects are service or service system oriented. In this way business partners support training their possible future employees to be helpful in practical situations. An interim project which is performed in the business partner organization together with the masters thesis are jointly awarded up to 30 percent of the whole study program. The thesis arises from their cooperation with the business partner.

Graduates would typically enter junior management positions, apply themselves in the design and development of service systems, or assert themselves in positions that require smart orientation in a problem together with an overview of the ICT domain and beyond.

Kontakt na garanta oboru SSME
RNDr. Zdenko Stanicek, Ph.D.
Head of Knowledge and Information Robots Laboratory
Faculty of Informatics
Masaryk University in Brno
Botanicka 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic


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